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ludicolo smogon

Atk by 2 if opposite gender. While Protect usually would not get a special mention, most opponents will assume Ludicolo is an Assault Vest variant if it has not taken Life Orb recoil and may be caught off guard by the usage of Protect. Anything that appreciates the free turns bought by Fake Out, such as Substitute Metagross, could make for a good partner to Ludicolo. Badly poisons the target. Swift Swim allows Ludicolo to take advantage of the rain by doubling its Speed.

Liste des sets stratégiques du Pokémon Ludicolo proposés par Smogon et/ou notre équipe de rédaction. However, it has a lot of trouble taking on Pokemon that pack Substitute or status moves. Giga Drain is an accurate secondary STAB attack, hitting Water-types that resist Hydro Pump such as Rotom-W or Keldeo; the passive recovery it provides also helps improve Ludicolo's longevity. For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power. Les Ludicolo femelles ont des rayures marron plus fines que les mâles. Ludicolo est un Pokémon bipède qui ressemble à la fois à un canard et à un ananas.

Mega Charizard Y is a good check as Drought stops Swift Swim from working while simultaneously weakening one of Ludicolo's main STAB moves. Ludicolo is weak to Flying- and Bug-type attacks, as well as Poison-type attacks which are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness against Fairy-types. Ice Beam is a good coverage option to hit the Grass- and Dragon-types such as Amoonguss and Latios that can sponge Ludicolo's STAB attacks. Ses yeux noirs sont entourés d'un motif vert et d'un grand bec orange. Heute In Hessen Update, 15.5.2020, 15.08 Uhr: Die strikten Regel des Lockdowns in Hessen werden in der Corona-Krise für ein Stück mehr. Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed. Can't miss in hail. Hydro Pump is the main STAB attack and is great due to its neutral coverage, high power, and the fact that it gets a 50% boost from rain. 10% chance to lower the target's Sp. High critical hit ratio. Other good partners are Intimidate users such as Landorus-T and Scrafty that can patch up Ludicolo's lower Defense stat. User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute. De par sa tête en forme de sombrero, sa fourrure qui ressemble à un poncho et son association à la musique et à la danse, il peut également s'inspirer de l'iconographie des Mexicains. (30% paralysis chance). Similarly, opponents might play around a potential Fake Out if Ludicolo's set has not been revealed yet. Assault Vest boosts Ludicolo's special bulk, something that proves even more useful due to the fact that Ludicolo typically lacks room for Protect. 100% chance to raise the user's Attack by 1. Pokemon that beat Flying-types like Talonflame such as Landorus-T, Terrakion, and Mega Diancie are great partners for Ludicolo, with a special mention to Mega Diancie because of its ability to get past Dragon-types that Ludicolo would have to rely on Ice Beam to damage heavily. Ludicolo devient plus puissant lorsqu'il entend de la musique festive, et peut souvent être trouvé autour des enfants rieurs. Its ability Swift Swim doubles its Speed in rain, allowing Ludicolo to outspeed most other Pokemon. Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Ce dernier est lui-même l'évolution de Nénupiot à partir du niveau 14. Ludicolo Holo – XY5:Primo Choc – 12/160 – Carte Pokemon Neuve Française.

Son corps est couvert de fourrure jaune ébouriffée décorée de rayures marron. While the loss of permanent rain was a negative, Ludicolo is still a potent rain attacker; its immunity to powder moves allows it to switch into Spore and ignore Rage Powder, meaning it can get around Amoonguss, a common check to rain teams. However, it does have some problems of its own.

Il a de grandes mains vertes avec deux lignes noires sur chaque paume, et d'épaisses jambes vertes avec un cercle noir sur la plante des pieds. In the rain, he outruns the majority of UU Pokemon and has enough power to slay them with Energy Ball, Surf, and Ice Beam. Furthermore, when Ludicolo is outside of the rain, its stats are no better than middling, meaning that it is completely reliant on said weather to succeed in OU. Focus Blast allows Ludicolo to hit threats such as Kyurem-B and Ferrothorn that normally have very little to fear from Ludicolo, but its unreliable accuracy makes it difficult to justify over the moves in the main set. Normal. Also, if your opponent is carrying a Thunder Wave user such as Thundurus, play cautiously, as a paralyzed Ludicolo is infinitely less threatening than a healthy one. Tierno en utilise un lors de son combat dans le XY126.

Fake Out is an excellent move that lets Ludicolo disrupt opposing strategies, and when rain is up, Ludicolo becomes the fastest Fake Out user in the metagame. 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.

Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1. Un Ludicolo appartenant au personnage du jour est l'une des attractions de l'AG067. Effect varies with terrain. If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled.

Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Kyurem-B can easily take hits from it and wear it down. Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Mega Diancie appreciate having Ludicolo as a partner due to its ability to handle Water-types such as Rotom-W that are problematic for them. Double damage on Dive. Un autre Ludicolo est vu dans le DP007. Politoed and Rain Dance users such as Thundurus are mandatory partners for this set, as they provide the rain it requires to function properly. However, it does have some problems of its own. A Timid nature is unneeded to outspeed any additional threats, making Modest the superior choice to boost Ludicolo's offensive potential as much as possible. Ludicolo est l'évolution de Lombre lorsqu'il est mis en contact avec une Pierre Eau. The EV spread grants Ludicolo as much power as possible as well as the ability to outspeed everything up to Choice Scarf Landorus-T when under rain. Hits adjacent foes. Its STAB moves Hydro Pump and Giga Drain threaten common Pokemon like

Politoed makes for an almost essential partner for Ludicolo, as the rain from Drizzle activates Ludicolo's Swift Swim ability and gives Hydro Pump a 50% power boost.

Ludicolo est inspiré à la fois du canard, de l'ornithorynque, du kappa, de la coloquinte et de l'ananas. Hits adjacent foes. Étant le résultat d'une évolution par pierre évolutive, on le trouve rarement à l'état sauvage, même si certains individus ont été aperçus dans les marécages. Ludicolo is synonymous with rain; although rain only lasts five turns, Ludicolo can sweep through entire teams in that duration.

Thaws target. 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1. Substitute is an interesting option to shield Ludicolo from priority and status, but Ludicolo must then lose out on Assault Vest as well as a potential attacking move, making it hard to justify on a moveset. For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves. 1.5x damage if foe holds an item. Leech Seed is marvelous, and the surprising Rain Dance set hurts a lot if you're unprepared. Power and type depends on the user's Berry. Ludicolo is one of the most essential Rain Dance sweepers because of his Grass typing, which allows him to strike down the annoying Water-type Pokemon who cause havoc for Rain Dance teams. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 juin 2020 à 22:29.

Although Ludicolo's offensive movepool is small, it has all it needs. Talonflame: Talonflame is an excellent check to Ludicolo as it has a priority Brave Bird to get around Ludicolo's Swift Swim and OHKO it.

100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1. Voilà de quoi empêcher les bulky Eau de vous bloquer ! Scald could be a replacement for Hydro Pump due to its 100% accuracy and 30% chance to burn the target, but a significantly lower damage output than Hydro Pump typically makes it the less desirable choice. Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it. Fake Out is an excellent move that lets Ludicolo disrupt opposing strategies, and when rain is up, Ludicolo becomes the fastest Fake Out user in the metagame. Ludicolo's unique Water / Grass typing and good special bulk allow it to check Kyogre extremely effectively; it is one of the few viable Pokemon that can safely switch into Kyogre's Water Spout multiple times, allowing the rest of your team to focus on checking other threats. Fake Out can disrupt strategies by rendering an opposing Pokemon immobile for a turn, potentially allowing a partner to KO them.

Description de Ludicolo dans l'épisode 341. In addition, although Ludicolo isn't frail, it's not especially bulky either, so more powerful attacks from Pokemon such as Mega Kangaskhan can deal heavy damage to it. For 5 turns, protects user's party from stat drops.

Removes item.

Power increases when used on consecutive turns. First turn out only. No additional effect.

Une bonne attaque Plante, qui en plus vous rend des PV ? If you're not planning on using Ludicolo for a late-game sweep (or if you're sure you can keep it in good enough health to achieve said sweep), it makes for a great early-game pivot with its bulk (augmented by Assault Vest) and access to Fake Out. Opposing Weather: Abomasnow is an excellent counter as it has no problem dealing with Politoed to set up hail, stripping Ludicolo of its preferred weather condition. Ab Montag. Active Pokemon cannot fall asleep. Def by 1. Life Orb increases Ludicolo's damage output to very respectable levels, making it a powerful special attacker when supported by the rain. Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns. Poison types can't miss. No charge in sunlight. 30% chance to burn the target. ludicolo smogon. User must be asleep. In addition to this, Abomasnow can comfortably sponge all of Ludicolo's attacks and respond with a powerful attack of its own. This set is the most effective one to use on Ludicolo. Lasts 3 turns. However, the healing from Giga Drain usually makes it a better move to use than Energy Ball, and it has a more reliable damage output than Grass Knot as well.

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