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pollution in paris

[20]  The legislation and regulations mandating these technical standards are often found in the Environmental Code, but are sometimes found in other French legal codes,[21] such as the Road Code (for vehicles)[22] or the Building and Housing Code (for buildings). 3. Exposure reduction target relative to the AEI*2011, Particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less RFI is not responsible for the content of external websites. Officials in the southeast Rhone valley region said they would introduce measures to restrict car use from Friday to combat the problem in the city of Lyon. [Alternating Traffic in Paris and Suburbs: Who Can Drive? which defines the road to follow towards a policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in conditions that are economically sustainable in the medium and long terms.”[52]  The law specifies that the low-carbon strategy must “take into account the specificities of the agricultural sector,” in particular cattle farming.

But blaming the weather is no excuse, according to the French Association of Transport Users (FNAUT), which condemned “uninspired politicians” for failing to tackle the problem head-on. *AOT40 (expressed in (μg/m3) ∙ hours) means the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations greater than They are mostly created by vehicles, heating and industry. [11] Id. ; Le dispositif de surveillance de la qualité de l’air en France [The Air Quality Monitoring System in France], Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire [Ministry for Environmental and Solidarity Transition] (Nov. 14, 2017),, archived at [38] Circulation différenciée ou alternée: qui est affecté et qui peut circuler? The Greens candidate in next year's presidential election, Yannick Jadot, said politicians needed to target the most polluting vehicles and restrict the use of diesel engines. 217,, archived at “It’s used by a million cars a day, and we can’t just stop people from using it.”. "This is a record period (of pollution) for the last 10 years," Karine Leger of AirParif told AFP. A haze of pollution is seen over the Eiffel Tower and the buildings of the city of Paris on Dec. 16, 2016. [40]  This new plan relies on a mandatory classification of vehicles into one of six categories according to the vehicle’s emissions level. [33], There have been several examples of pollution-related emergency measures over the last several years.  On December 6 and 7, 2016, for example, vehicle traffic in Paris and several nearby suburbs was limited due to an excess of fine particles in the air. Outdoor air pollution causes more than 4 … 2nd threshold: 300 µg/m³ exceeded during 3 consecutive hours. eight-hour mean: 120 µg/m³ per civil year.

[69]  It is worth noting that there appears to be a certain amount of overlap between this Plan and the National Low-Carbon Strategy described above. [42], The 2015 Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth authorized local authorities to establish restricted traffic zones (also referred to as environmental zones) in urban zones and other areas subject to an atmosphere protection plan. : 125 µg/m³ not to be exceeded more than 3 per year. [15] Planchet, supra note 1, at 165; C. environnement, arts. [27]  Nitrogen dioxide emissions, for example, are limited to both an annual average of 40 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m³) and an hourly average of 200 µg/m³ that must not be exceeded for more than eighteen hours per year.[28].

[17]  The leadership of each AASQA is composed of representatives from the national government, regional and local authorities, industries that emit monitored substances, recognized environmental advocacy groups and consumer advocacy groups, and at least one representative from the healthcare professions. Public transport in the city was free for a second day running Wednesday, to encourage commuters to leave their vehicles at home, while school children were prevented from exercising outside. Source: Décret No. The weather is indeed partly to blame. This is only the fourth time Paris has resorted to traffic restrictions to cope with air pollution. “It’s the wrong idea to compare a city at a certain moment when you have meteorological conditions that could make the pollution worse at that point.”. Annual mean(NO2 equivalent) :

India. Atmosphere Protection Plans and Air Quality Standards, V. Vehicle Emissions Standards and Restricted Traffic Zones, VI. Hourly mean: 125 µg/m³ not to be exceeded more than 3 per year. National Amispheric Pollutant Emissions Reduction Plan,,, https://www.legi,,,, paris_agreement.pdf,,,,, JORFTEXT000000381337&categorieLien=id, 7/12/DEVX0822225L/jo/texte, 8/17/DEVX1413992L/jo/texte,  Paris’ differentiated traffic plan prohibited the operation of the vehicles categorized in the two most polluting categories. L222-4, L222-5.

[56]  The subsequent all-sectors-combined budgets were set at 399 t of CO2 eq for 2019–2023 and 358 t of CO2 eq for 2024–2028. The pollution index will be Low for the 28/09/2020; Paris agglomeration index: 30 Due to the pollutant: Ozone The maximum levels at the background stations between: 60 µg/m³ and 90 µg/m³ for Ozone (O3) 40 µg/m³ and 70 µg/m³ for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 10 µg/m³ and 20 µg/m³ for Particulate matter (PM10) Index modelling map of the Ile-de-France region. This target value is applicable from 2010. “A big problem is the périphérique [city ring road] which is just about the busiest urban motorway in Europe,” he added. every year by equal annual percentage to reach 25µg/m³ by 2015. [5] Paris Agreement, Dec. 12, 2015, paris_agreement.pdf, archived at [58] Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie [Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Development, and Energy], Stratégie Nationale Bas-Carbone [National Low-Carbon Strategy]: Summary for Decision-Makers 5, strategy_en.pdf (last visited Apr. China. Accessibility | Water pollution is a big problem in France at the moment because Paris is becoming more of an industrial city, and is acquiring industrial contaminants. Official blog from the Law Library of Congress, Back to Index of Regulation of Air Pollution. 2010-1250 of 21 October 2010 Regarding Air Quality],, archived at Trains to London, Brussels and Amsterdam came to a halt for several hours and intercity and local services were disrupted. The safe limit for PM10 is 80 microgrammes per cubic metre. City Hall, which told FRANCE 24 on Friday that it recognized the gravity of the situation, has put some short-term measures into place. L222-1, L229-26. [10] Loi n° 96-1236 du 30 décembre 1996 sur l’air et l’utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie [Law No. March has been a dry month and as the spring weather warms up, more dangerous fine particles have filled the air. [14]  Additionally, air quality is managed at the national and local levels through regulatory measures such as regional schemes on climate, air and energy (Schémas régionaux du climat, de l’air et de l’énergie, SRCAE) and territorial climate energy plans (Plans climat-énergie territoriaux, PCET). Annual mean:Since the 01/01/02 : 0,5 µg/m³. . Paris authorities mobilized about 750 policemen on Monday to implement the measure in the capital and near suburbs. R221-9. The rule has been in place since Tuesday, alternating between odd and even plates. Paris overall air quality index is 15 Paris PM 2.5 (fine particulate matter) AQI is 5 - Paris PM 10 (respirable particulate matter) AQI is 15 - Paris NO 2 (nitrogen dioxide) AQI is 31 - Paris SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) AQI is 0 - Paris O 3 (ozone) AQI is 12 - Paris CO (carbon monoxide) AQI is 0 - "We have politicians who tell us they are looking after our health," Jadot said. art. 30 µg/m³ (for the vegetation protection). [62]  For low-carbon energy, the goal is to reduce industry emissions by 75% of 2013 levels by 2050, mainly by improving energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of materials, replacing carbon-intensive materials with less carbon-intensive ones, energy recovery, and energy substitution.

© 2020 Copyright France 24 - All rights reserved. Europe. Annual & winter mean (for the vegetation protection ): 20 µg/m³. [60]  With regard to low-carbon transportation, the national strategy takes 2013 levels of emissions as a point of reference and aims to reduce transportation emissions by at least 70% of these levels by 2050.  This is to be achieved in large part by improving vehicle energy efficiency (with a goal of new light-duty vehicles having an average fuel efficiency of 2 liters (L)/100km [118 miles/gallon] by 2030) and developing the infrastructure for low-carbon transport (charging points for electric cars, etc.). They are mostly created by vehicles, heating and industry.

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