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breast cancer online

We’re committed to providing people affected by breast cancer with the highest quality services and we need to have some information about you to make sure that this is the right service for you, meet any particular needs you may have and manage our relationship with you sensitively and appropriately. As you become a BCS expert, you will make better decisions at every step of your treatment journey. Breast Cancer Now is a company limited by guarantee registered in England (9347608) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1160558), Scotland (SC045584) and Isle of Man (1200). You can help your patients by gaining a better understanding of this life-threatening condition. No professional services or specific care recommendations are intended or offered. Breast Cancer School for Patients. Sign Up. Read more, Qi Gong can be helpful with recovering from the side-effects of breast cancer treatment including immobility, fatigue and stress. During office hours, Breast Cancer Now staff are around ‘virtually’ on the programme to offer support and answer any questions you may have. We are currently unable to offer our outreach service at the Worcester Breast Unit. (video disclaimer), Contact Us:, Press Inquiries:

Today we have announced that we have taken the difficult decision to permanently close two of our regional support centres. Breast Cancer Now is committed to equality of opportunity for all. All information is designed to help patients engage their physicians in discussions about treatment options. Learn about breast cancer surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, genetics, genomics and how to ask for the very best cancer care in your community. Read more, Gentle Yoga class consists of modified postures to help maintain movement and improve flexibility and strength. Our free support services are available to anyone affected by breast cancer. Once you register for the virtual meetings we will send you regular updates about all our upcoming meetings and you can choose to attend as often or as many as you like. Thank you for taking the time to register for our Living with Secondary Breast Cancer online services. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. Call us on an 0300 012 0112 to speak to someone. Call us on 0300 012 0112 to speak to someone. Living with Secondary Breast Cancer online services. Here you can register for either our online programme, our virtual meetings, or both. Get started today and gain a better understanding of breast cancer screening guidelines as well as implementation and counseling strategies to better serve your patients. Expression of quantitative trait loci (eQTL) co-localization analyses have identified NTN4 as being a new candidate breast cancer (BC) risk gene, Australian researchers reported in a study published in the August 31, 2020, online edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics. BCS gives you the tools you need to begin your breast cancer journey. Meetings are relaxed and offer time to talk about what’s on your mind with others who understand, in a safe confidential space with a group of no more than 10 people. Treatment methods are always advancing, and research is continuously uncovering new information. Read more, Do you feel that Hot Flushes are an unavoidable side effect of Hormone treatment and you have no choice but to put up with them? You can book an appointment now. All Rights Reserved. Armed with these questions, you can work as a team with your breast cancer specialists. The exercises can be done sitting or standing.

If you haven’t heard from us before now, please tick the box to show that you are happy to be contacted by: From time to time, we may contact you by telephone and post about Breast Cancer Now, to keep you updated on our work and ways you can help. See how emerging technologies such as Augmented Intelligence (AI) and precision genomics are used and applied for diagnostic and therapeutic potential. The Breast Cancer School for Patients ( helps you in a unique way. Call us on 0300 012 0112 to speak to someone. Education Center Collection Sign In Modal Left, Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience. Read more. If you no longer want us to use your information in these ways, you can get in touch using the contact details at the end of this form to discuss withdrawing your permission. Call us on 0300 012 0112 to speak to someone. To hear from us, enter your email address below.

It offers a way to support yourself to feel better when feeling worried, anxious, or panicked. Read more, Join our monthly online support group, facilitated by Claire Scanlan, London Breast Cancer Haven therapist. Panel Management: Provide Preventative Care and Improve Patient Health, Surveillance Mammography in Older Patients With Breast Cancer—Can We Ever Stop? Our patient-driven quality movement is all about empowering you to be at the center of all discussions and treatment decisions. Despite continued research, advancements and greater awareness of symptoms and signs, 1 in 8 American women will develop breast cancer. If you provide details about your health or other sensitive information, we will use it in the same way.

Breast Cancer Online (BCO) is a peer-reviewed educational service made freely available to healthcare professionals working in the numerous fields of breast cancer research and treatment. Read more, Range of motion, balance, confidence, core strength, flexibility, co-ordination and nerve pathways can all be affected after diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer. You can change the way you hear from us at any time by emailing us at or calling us on 0333 20 70 300.

Start learning now and receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits online while you read, watch and listen. Read more, Breast Cancer Haven, Exploring...Gratitiude and Ways to cultivate it Read more, Join our monthly online support group, facilitated by Jan Harper, Breast Cancer Haven West Midlands therapist . Breast Cancer Online : effects of using information and communication technologies. The content of the website is invited and reviewed by an independent international editorial board of experts from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The following questions are not compulsory, but by giving us this information we can better meet our service users’ needs and make our services as accessible as possible. identify ways to get started.

Yes, I would like to receive emails from Breast Cancer School for Patients. You can find accreditation information for each activity at the bottom of their corresponding quiz pages. If you are a Health Care Professional looking to refer a patient to either of these services you can do so using our form here. We will also use this information to provide our service and look at who attends, helping to make sure that our services are accessible to everyone and identifying any areas where we may need to improve. Our phone lines are also open for anyone that needs one-to-one support and advice.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization offering a complete resource for breast cancer, including up-to-date information on the latest treatments, screening tests, stages and breast cancer types, as well as support through our active online community. This may include using publicly available information. Read more, In this weekly tapping class, our therapist Bettina focuses especially on how to tap for physical issues such as joint pain, headaches, nausea, numbness and other side effects of treatment you may experience.

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