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Seline found her dying in the rocks and was so distraught by the impending death of her sister (and the role she played in her suicide) that she plead with God to save her.

In Gods and Monsters, she uses Elena's voice to lure Damon further into the vault and eventually gets to him. Caroline reads the note and realizes why Seline kept organizing her house, as Seline had taken it. In We Have History Together, it is revealed that Sybil has influenced her way into the high school and the students. Łódź dopłynęła do wyspy. And in contrast to their happy emotional states in the last season, neither Damon nor Enzo is happy with having to kill people, with Damon subconsciously using his memory of Elena to keep himself going. Sybil states that she is tasked with harvesting evil souls, and has enslaved Damon and Enzo to assist her. Styl ubierania kobiety jest naturalny i nie wyróżnia się on niczym, na tle innych bohaterów. Następnie lampy, które mężczyźni wzięli ze sobą, zgasły. The three soon get in Bonnie's car and heads towards the two men before they begin to fight. She tells she and her sister lived as cannibals and realizes that Sybil is the village girl. She asks her to take a seat and tells Caroline that she's going to teach her history. Sybil starts mocking Damon about him facing his humanity and tells him that fighting it is useless.

Later, attempting to figure him out, Sybil reveals she has been unable to infiltrate Enzo's mind since the day she abducted him with Damon and tries to break in again, only to be repelled by him, all she gets is a name: Sarah Nelson. In Today Will Be Different, Sybil has replenished herself and is first seen in a pool awaiting her next victim to be prepared for "harvesting". He tells her on the contrary that he knows plenty and insults her. She and Seline are seen again and they both siren Ethan to kill Beatrice, but in the end, he is trapped in the room and the two sirens are entrapped with a spell because of Beatrice. He tells her to get out of his head and she says he was assuming she would let him remember the story since her boss ordered him not to. The book, whose veracity was challenged (e.g., Sybil Exposed by Debbie Nathan), stated that Mason had multiple personalities as a result of severe child sexual abuse at the hands of her mother, who, Wilbur believed, had schizophrenia.
Mówi się, iż Sybil tak samo, jak i Silas, ma doprowadzić do piekła na ziemi oraz końca świata.

Pod warunkiem nieśmiertelności, wiecznego piękna oraz mocy, siostry mają służyć diabłu, zabijając złych ludzi. She appears in Enzo's subconscious again as this happens and tells him he's dying.

Dalton St. John był w stanie otworzyć skarbiec i wejść do środka razem z towarzyszami. Suddenly, many of them are killed by Sybil in the vault. Later, corpses of The Armory members are shown, scattered across the building.

They arrive at the abandoned cottage and Sybil remarks that it has gone downhill since 1790.

Though after her release and through clues left by Enzo, Bonnie was able to deduce that the creature is actually a Siren, as it corrupts and enslaves those that cross its path… Once there, he began to hear whispers calling out his name which drew him further into the cave behind the vault. Sybil, initially known as The Armory's Monster, was first introduced in the season finale of the seventh season and was the main antagonist of the eighth season of The Vampire Diaries. Caroline tells her and Sybil tells her it's wrong as there were a group of people who there before them and that were burned to death because of what they were. Przez to podążył on, wgłąb skarbca, gdzie trafił do jaskini. She asks what is it that makes Bonnie so special and that she wants to have a little heart to heart, and that she can make her but would be excruciatingly painful. Sybil then goes to Stefan and tells him that Damon's been resisting her influence. When Damon confronts Tyler Lockwood on a road, it's shown that Sybil is continuing to influence him, and he kills Tyler.

In Requiem for a Dream, Damon and Enzo mentioned that the last member of The Eight Everlastings was inside The Armory that was sealed by Bonnie and that the monster could be a problem. After Georgie stabs him with a syringe, Sybil gets in his head and says that her boss thinks that he's worthy of hearing the whole story. Gdy Alex i reszta ocalałych próbuje uciec ze środka, Bonnie więzi ich tam przy pomocy zaklęcia. W Requiem for a Dream, Damon i Enzo wspominają, że potwór może być problem. While at the diner, she enters Enzo's subconscious and proceeds to torture him as punishment for escaping her. The group arrives at the White Cedar Motel and when Damon asks what is needed to summon Cade, and while Seline won't tell him, Sybil says he needs a body of water and a couple of human bodies. : The Armory's Monster) ist eine neue Antagonistin, die in der letzten Folge der 7. Znajdują się one rozrzucone po całym budynku. The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters, Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You,,, Sybil was magically imprisoned within the Armory for a total of three times, each by a different, She was first trapped within the Armory's vault by, She was sealed within the vault, for a second time, by, She was sealed again for a third time within the Armory itself by. Czuła się winna, gdy okazało się, że jedzenie, które przynosiła jej Seline, było tak naprawdę ludzkim mięsem, zdobytym poprzez zabicie żeglarzy. She asks how they can win him back, and he tells her that they remind him of what really happened at the pageant. Unfortunately, this gift came at a price: the Siren sisters would now be forced to feast on the flesh of the wicked, regardless of how small their sins are, in order to maintain their youth and life, while the souls of their victims would be sucked into Arcadius' own realm, Hell. However, because of her previous conversation with Virginia, she makes a plan to keep her promise to Virginia.

Virginia St. John forced Lucy Bennett to seal the vault with Yvette St. John inside. W Gods and Monsters, syrena wykorzystuje głos Eleny, aby zwabić Damona w głąb krypty. Wydaje się, że umiejętność kontroli umysłu Sybil, zmieniła się od ostatniego sezonu. As the two girls drive off, Sybil sirens an incoming driver.

She tells the student to get up and tells Caroline to consider it a warning. Bonnie Bennett ponownie uwięziła syrenę w 2017 roku, po tym, jak skarbiec został uszczelniony. Alaric uses the tuning fork against her, causing her double down in pain. Po krótkiej wymianie zdań, Sybil łapie wampira od tyłu i wciąga do cienia. She has shown a sense of humor, but it's morbid, playful and taunting than usual humor displayed by others. Seline asks her what she's up to and Sybil replies with that the game's not over yet. When Damon questions why Seline needs Josie and Lizzie, Sybil tells him that she wants to offer them to Cade.

When Stefan rips the chain from the talisman and throws it on the floor, Sybil walks down the staircase in a blue dress and asks Stefan to dance. Though after her release and through clues left by Enzo, Bonnie was able to deduce that the creature is actually a Siren, as it corrupts and enslaves those that cross its path, feeding off of the darkness in a person's soul as well as devouring their flesh for sustenance. Weaknesses: The staff of Arcadius and the Maxwell bell can cause her severe pain. Intelligence: Gifted (Thousands of years old, has lots of knowledge about the world). As Seline tells Damon her plan for the twins and an escape from Hell with her sister, Sybil states that hit a a roadblock as police officers are out looking for the girls. In What Are You?, she is seen in a flashback that shows she sirened Ethan Maxwell that involved the bell. Seline, who had been locked in the vault with her sister for nine decades, took advantage of the chaos and escaped the vault, leaving Sybil behind.

W Kill 'Em All, Bonnie zostaje zmuszona do otwarcia skarbca w zbrojowni, jednak ze względu na jej poprzednia rozmowę z Virginią, chce dotrzymać danego jej słowa. After three months, Damon and Enzo have been piling up bodies on the West Coast and they are seen in a warehouse, where they are surrounded by multiple hanging bodies with their throats slit as Dalton St. John had done to his fellow Armory members. Seline starts the chant to summon Cade and Sybil then says that Stefan is at the motel. In Somebody That I Used to Know, Virginia tried to kill Bonnie to prevent her from opening the vault where Sybil was.

While going through the garage, they notice a note and a cabinet missing. W głębi duszy jednak nie chce umierać i dzięki jej błaganiom wzywa Cade'a. Enzo enters the vault soon after and is confronted by Damon, who asks if it's just him. When Damon agrees to deliver it, she tells him she'll text him the details.
While doing the ornaments, Matt and his father, Peter, arrive and Sybil exclaims that they've been waiting for them. In Nostalgia's a Bitch, Sybil offers her help with Damon to Caroline and Bonnie, but she wants something in return, the bell. She then says he'll see her in the memory when she confronted her and it's revealed to be Seline.

Sybil is a beautiful woman with a slender body, medium-length black hair, and dark brown eyes. She then tells him he is worthy and ready for the truth.

Po raz pierwszy została uwięziona przez Lucy Bennett w 2013 roku, na żądanie Virgini.

She has a connection to a mystical symbol and weapon thought to originate from Hell. The casting call read, "an immortal who uses her immeasurable power and influence to control other people, manipulating them into twisted games and tests for her own amusement and glorification.". She tells them she'll be move to "Plan B" then, which means Bonnie Bennett. Though Dalton and his coworkers were able to escape, Sybil still managed to burn out his humanity, causing Dalton to become a remorseless killer who wasted no time murdering his friends. In her creature state, Sybil's skin is dark green and her nails turn to black claws, while her fingers elongate.

Both were rumored to bring about hell on earth and the end of the world.

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