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inuit creation story

mmk/mp5R8v6PBpljoHmT6taFooIH0+7uJOCOqs4kkZy6hpAK8ziqOi/O/wAvSzmEaH5hA9JpVkOl 84.999996 10.000002 Sedna's father gives Sedna a sleeping potion and gives her to the hunter who takes her to a large nest on a cliff, revealing to her his true form, a great raven. CMYK xmp.iid:F97F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD KSBGfW7BRISsZa6hAYheRAq254mvyxVdJ5r8rRU9XWbFKsFHK5hFWKGQDduvBS3y3xVM4pYpYkli

Inaugural edition of the Capital Music Awards will laud Ottawa bands, songs, videos in March, Edmonton chef Ryan Hotchkiss kicks off his NAC residency with an umami-rich dinner, GigSpace preview: Gordon Grdina starts off 2020 with Nomad Trio’s debut recording. The next issue of Ottawa Citizen Headline News will soon be in your inbox. The father had a bladder hanging over his bed. CMYK

75.000000 Adobe Illustrator CS4 0.000000 The Inuit are storytellers and oftentimes songs accompany the stories. 9N8v2us3+sX9rcJLcxwW+lLcsWSIAJptJoWvHRUAuVJj9Jqn4zUmRnRqmiGDigZcURXQnc8+X47n

saved 69.999999 Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. saved FxG8initSeJj4NStCV/ZPLFVjfnToyN8fl7zGsfpRztL+ip2UJLEsw+xyJIDhWAHwnrtviqaeTPz 0Pc7dN6b9MEog82WLNPHfCa4hR9xQTeUPMy8+WmzqI3EchK0Cs3EgEnYfbGSaly+TPNDOUGnyBlX Adobe Illustrator CS4 %PDF-1.5 %���� But the fingertips would transform to seals and walruses.

CMYK The stroke to her head sends Sedna to the ocean floor where she resides, commanding the animals of the sea. PROCESS xmp.iid:F77F117407206811BB1DBF8F242B6F84 AuXUCMqVL8ilfi4kAitcVWwD87Vt4yugeVoZeUbPH9ZugvHf1KFYDR+PFRsQOvxdAq68b87w5ltd PROCESS WwAtlE9xHNZwPC0dlHFHbRrGycG9NbWKlQKMldyKkyyV86Rh0Rne/KBny7ug7+7pRsdE9udC84eZ

saved Attempting to cling to the kayak her hands freeze and her fingers fall off becoming the creatures of the sea. When her father tracks them down and steals his daughter back, the bird husband becomes enraged and creates an ocean storm. 2gdpAs80twwL9fjmZ2p9OKpvirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdiq from application/vnd.adobe.illustrator to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35 Adobe Illustrator CS4 saved

39.999998 Adobe Illustrator CS4 In another story, Sedna, now known as the lady of the sea, got in a quarrel with her family of giants, who inhabited the Earth at that time. 100.000000 0.000000 75.000000 0.000000 C:\_FIONA\BIG MYTH\CDROM\myths\english\eng_images\inuit_bar_1.gif Join the mailing list to receive daily email updates. PROCESS 2008-05-28T16:45:26-07:00 A number of versions of the Sedna legend exist. endstream endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 29 0 obj <>>> endobj 26 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 27 0 obj <>>> endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <> endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <>stream CMYK xmp.iid:FC7F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80 ibOzKi1koO3TwGKqlr5J/IlLdrOHT9BeIIsEiE28jFDKrojszMxHqKvEMfYYqn3lyL8vPLsA0vy+


Presented by the NAC’s Indigenous Theatre and supported by the NAC’s National Creation Fund, Unikkaaqtuat (The Old Stories) opens on January 9 through to 12, 2020. 215.900000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90


jh8y20jXJUQ8RKQWc0Ck8KK3+Sd6b4qjvLv5r/l15k1FNN0PXra/v5OXC2iLcyEUuxAIGwUdemKs 59.999102 PROCESS

100.000000 10.000002 Grays
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. R+m31iY+t8MlV4kVoemS8L01ZaBraymfBGV9JC+7fp6ttz1JLvN35hL5j8zalrT6VDbpf+sfqxb1 But they had just started when the canoe stopped – they couldn’t seem to make it go no matter how hard they paddled. According to legend, Raven made the world and brought light. xmp.iid:FE7F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD CMYK EmbedByReference 2008-05-15T22:53:33-07:00 Another story references the origin of death, when people crowded onto a small island fall into the ocean, their floating ingeniously represented through aerial work. 0.000000 jSXt3KEYmifCIYuXEGrfFvQgU2qqpWuq/n+ZAlxoPl4BPtuL65VHDAleBEUrDh9l+S7n7Ox2VXLq Today Sedna lies at the bottom of the ocean. PROCESS 84.999996 Adobe Illustrator CS4 saved CMYK PPWiawjJD9Vit0hspIyVqXYevLUSg1/VttirJv8AGPlEq7DXNP4x8vUP1qGi8F5vX4tuKnkfAb4q

ulPKNpVoG+wleR6duJ264q3Fr+kSwyzR3AaKBQ0rhXoAfoxVzeYNIVZHNwOMRIkPFzQjr2xVoeYt CMYK 0.000000 PROCESS Version 5.00

0.000000 yBI0rmMhGZAp5Ps2/wA8VWR/nZ+StzO4XzBYSTorSOSj1pEpkLVKb8VqcVd/yuz8lUSST9P2KpDM When an unknown hunter appears, Sedna's father agrees to give her to him as wife in return for fish. kKemiV2U+oxO+w2qqyLFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FX 0.000000 Adobe Illustrator CS4 xmp.iid:F77F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD

saved ARLRDBD.TTF After much pleading by Raven the father allowed the boy to play with it. 0.000000 / 10.000002 application/pdf dZwX6b9Bjz5X1G236SSUybXvMPlqw8tz6npurafBZwSJby22pLaOi3KMFk0wehK1i8vFvrRpJ6rV xmp.iid:B2D67F2363BEDF11878AAC0033E64D4E 100.000000

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To save themselves, her giant mother and father trapped her in a blanket and paddled her far from shore and into the sea. 90.000004 CMYK Her parents pushed her out of the canoe and into icy sea, but she held on to the boat. 0.000000 /VPs71rTt1xVqT/oVnb1P8YfZWnL6p9mnw9e3hirR/6FXqtf8X1r8P8AvJ1r2+nFXH/oVfjv/i/h CMYK tPiuDcxWsUdyUEZnWNQ5Ra8V5AVoKmgxVEYqxL82LLQL38v9VtvMOpHSNFYQNfagqLK0ccdxG9FV OMSfvF4twtlqGKE1PYVB+yQqvufNn5fJLdJc/nDqqrdTJKERo0MPrI5jRGW2+Ff3oah2+EVFAcVW

0.000000 saved saved 2008-06-11T14:31:27-07:00 q8NyUEWsKw4RNGOD8wacHq9H98Vau4vyfW4dF8t+cpJ5IokY26ay3wfVVSIkCahIgYKCR44qs0+y converted Adobe Illustrator CS4 0.000000 / CMYK C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 lHH4ZDTFXf8AKivy/wDVlm4akZphxaU6rqBkC0AoHM/Knw+O/famKuk/Ir8vX58ob4GQRK7DUb0M saved saved xmp.did:B3D67F2363BEDF11878AAC0033E64D4E

Adobe Illustrator CS4 2008-06-02T13:25:25-07:00

50.000000 44.999999 She got so big that there wasn’t enough food for her anywhere. 30.000001 Her father then leaves in his kayak to rescue her from the floating ice-island where she is imprisoned while the bird creature is away.

WzmFpp7yztxzRnJhaWeWNGjBRuMdegFDtvEYqN3+P1+bdk7QMoiPCNuvXv4T/Q7o9Nt9tzDypdeZ C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0 Knfyp2/51DSNgV/3ig6Gn+T1264q2Pyg/LD6n9Tbyxp725MRZXhVyxgRo4izNVm4I5UVPTFWV29v iSN6bjjMytIv+6+uzb+NR1xVa/5z/kmguX/Tdi31MSvclIZHKhTST7MZqWp2+12rirJ/KPmvyj5m 0.000000

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